
Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Start of a New Chapter

Returning home from a mission is a strange experience. Nothing is the same as you left it. Not even you. I've been noticing that a lot lately - seeing the world through a different set of eyes.

I recently returned home from an 18 month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the beautiful islands of Hawaii. I honestly can't believe how fast those 18 months FLEW by. It seems like a dream. Yet I learned so much that I will never be the same. I loved every moment of my mission, and I will never forget the people that I met, the places that I served, or the stories that became mine. But those stories have been written and its time to write some more. Its the start of a new chapter, and its going to be a great one.

Like most people in life, I've been dealt my fair share of hardships, and more than my fair share of blessings. The Lord has truly been good to me. My purpose in starting this blog, is to record my thoughts and feelings, mistakes and epiphanies, failures and triumphs as I strive to find myself in this next chapter of life, by continually seeking His light. My hope is that as I record my experiences, the things that I learn may be of benefit to someone else as well. I'm personally a fan of learning from other people's mistakes so I don't have to make them myself. :)

So bare with me as I begin this journey: discovering me and seeking to follow His light.

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