
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Beauty in Knowing


One of the most beautiful gems. Pure. Eye-catching. Brilliant.

Do you know how diamonds are formed?

"Diamonds are crystals of pure carbon that form under crushing pressures and intense heat."

Subject change.

I was talking with someone today about my fear of people seeing me completely; my fear of being judged because of where I have come from. I don't want anyone to see my weaknesses, the struggles that I've been through, or the struggles that I'm going through now. It goes back to that vulnerability. The challenge it is for me to share myself with others. To let people in. I only want people to see the smiles, the laughter, the person that I have become: not the person I have been.

I described to her (the person I was talking to), it's like painting a picture. I'm not sure what it is, or what it means, but somehow, it's beautiful. Then I show it to someone, and they see beyond the picture. They analyze it, try to understand the background, what it is, why I painted it the way I did. "I don't want them to see all that. I just want them to accept the picture and see it's beauty!" Why do people feel the need to judge?

Her reply illuminated an entirely new perspective for me, "Knowing where something came from doesn't make it any less beautiful."

Like diamonds. Knowing how a diamond is made doesn't make it any less amazing. In fact, it rather adds to the beauty and wonder of it all. A rock, put under crushing amounts of pressure and intense heat. Then a diamond.

People are like that too.

I think this video does a better job of explaining than I ever could.

So I know it wasn't about diamonds, but it's the same basic principle. The Lord gives me challenges to form me into the person He knows I can be. Does it hurt? Heck yes it does. But if I can accept the challenge, I can be formed into something beautiful. It doesn't matter what other people see or think. Because I am in the Lord's hands and He is the Master Refiner.

No matter what trials we have in our lives, heartache, tragedy, a broken home, addictions, abuse, the loss of loved ones, these things can make us beautiful. If we let them. I love what the woman said in the video, "The greater our sorrow, the greater our capacity to feel joy." It's our job to respond in a beautiful way. 

And never be ashamed.

Because after all, "Knowing where someone came from, doesn't make them any less beautiful."

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