
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Life is Good

Wow. I know its silly but I thought this day would never come. As of today, I've been home from my mission for exactly one year.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about the wonderful people of Hawaii, and the amazing experiences that I had while serving them for 18 months. I love them. I miss them. I am forever grateful for them and the time that I had with them.
In the year since I've come home I've received countless tender mercies. Two great semesters of college, six fantastic roommates, the best job in the world, and a loving place to call home are just the tip of the iceberg. Although I'm nowhere near where I thought I would be by this time, I know that I am exactly where the Lord needs me. Life is good.

I am so thankful for the lessons that I learned during my time as a missionary. Those lessons have helped me overcome the many trials I have faced since coming home. Because of my time in Hawaii, I know that the Lord is with me no matter how dark the road I face is. I look forward to the years ahead which I'm certain will be full to the brim of both blessings and trials. But one thing my mission taught me is that you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. I only pray that I continue to hold fast to what I know to be true as I continue to seek the Lord in all I do.

The Girl I Am - Jenessa Buttars

Sometimes I feel so young
In my Father's arms
He shows me how
He knows who I'll become
Cause He sees the heart
Of whom I am now

I don't need to rush

Or wait for my future
He knows I'm strong enough
And He has a plan
For the girl I am

When I feel His love

Opens my eyes
To all that I have
And it's like waking up
Knowing my part
Right where I stand

I don't need to rush

Or wait for my future
He knows I'm strong enough
And He has a plan
For the girl I am

And I believe

That I will find
Best part of me
As I follows His light

I don't need to rush
Or wait for my future
He knows I'm strong enough
And He has a plan
For the girl I am

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