
Sunday, September 6, 2015

*California Adventure* Families are Forever

You know how things look smaller from a distance? Like how a great mountain can seem almost quaint in its beauty if you're far enough away. Then, when you find yourself at the foothills, you begin to realize how enormous that mountain actually is. That's kind of how I'm feeling at the moment.

A few months ago my sister called me up, "So I have this crazy idea," she started. I smiled, I like crazy ideas. She wanted me to come stay with her and her family in California to spend time with them, and help to take care of my nephews (one is four, and one will be here soon!). After talking it through and praying about it for a little while, we came up with a plan that worked for both of us. I've been getting very excited for this trip, especially as it's gotten closer and closer. Four months in California seems like a nice break in the monotony of my life as a working college student. Especially if I get to spend those four months with family.

I spent Saturday morning at the temple
with my mother. Temples are where we
can be sealed to our families for more
than just "till death do us part." In the
temple, families are made to be forever.
Well now it's here. I find myself at the foothills of my trip and it looks a lot bigger up close. I'm still ridiculously excited and can hardly wait to see my sister, brother-in-law, and soon to be two little nephews. But the past few days I can't shake the feeling that this trip is more than I expect it's going to be. As if something important is going to happen, or there are lessons that I'm going to learn that I couldn't learn any other way. Whatever the case, my journey has begun.

It was harder to say goodbye to my little town in Idaho, my friends, and my co-workers than I was expecting; maybe that's why I think this trip is more than I planned. Idaho has my heart. But whatever happens in California, it's bound to be a grand adventure, and after much prayer and planning, I'm finally on my way!

My first stop on my way to Cali has been a short visit with my grandparents in the Salt Lake Valley. Last night we celebrated my Granddad's 90th birthday! Can you believe it? 90! And this morning at church I felt overwhelmed with gratitude. I have a family. A crazy, complicated, all-over-the-place kind of family, but they're mine all the same. And I love them. And you know what's even better? Because of Christ, they can be mine forever. It doesn't have to stop at 90 or even 100 years. I can be with my family in this life and on through the next into eternity.

I love this video: it testifies that this life is not the end. Families are meant to be forever.

I don't want to take this time I have with my family for granted. I can be with them forever, but I want to start now. I suppose that's the real reason why I'm heading to California. To get know my sister's family better, to build relationships, and to grow in love as a family. I'm grateful for my family, and for the gospel and the knowledge I have that families can be together forever.

Like I said before, I can't tell you how excited I am for this trip. I'll keep ya'll updated as things happen. But for now, California, here I come!

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