
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

*California Adventure* Cherish Every Moment

It's day two here in California and I'm loving every second. My newest nephew was born the night before I arrived! Surprise! I could hardly wait to meet him.

Funny story from my trip here... Last time I took a plane somewhere, I was a missionary flying home to my family. And having flown quite a bit on my mission from island to island every time I was transferred, my missionary mode kicked in pretty much as soon as I hit the airport. Naturally, I smiled and said hello to EVERYONE. Okay, so maybe the fact that I had a brand new nephew had a little bit to do with my ridiculous grin and overly friendly personality, but hey, people smiled back! Anywho, I got in line to go through security and who should get in line right behind me, but a local born Hawaiian. Well that just about did it. Could my day get any better? The one friend I made in the Salt Lake airport would be Hawaiian. We chatted through the line and he followed me to my gate, since a misunderstanding in his flight would leave him waiting around the airport for several hours after my flight departed. It was great to talk story with a local. Hawaii will forever be in my heart!

After he took off looking for food, I did the only natural thing there is to do in an airport: I pulled out my ukulele and started playing. Oh wait... I guess it's only natural if you're in Hawaii... Well, the people in Salt Lake sure gave me some funny looks but no one seemed bothered by it. In fact, the lady sitting next to me thanked me for the music and a gentleman from across the waiting area came and sat by me just to hear me better and to strike up a conversation about how much one of the Beatles band members loved the ukulele. Haha it was a grand old time.

After all the fun I had with traveling though, nothing beats seeing my family and holding my new born nephew for the very first time. There's something miraculous about holding a tiny infant in your arms, knowing that not so long ago, they were with our Father in Heaven. New, innocent, a little bit wrinkled and 100% lovable. I could hold him all day. I love watching my older nephew with him. He gets so excited to see and hold his little brother. There's so much wonder in children. The way they see the world is magnificent, and being around them reminds me to slow down a bit... see the world through their eyes...

Sum up of this post: God is good! I had safe, enjoyable travels and made some great new friends along the way. My nephew is here and everyone is home safe. Life is a precious miracle: cherish every second!

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